We appreciate Penn alumni who are interested in promoting job and internship opportunities to current Penn students or more experienced Penn alumni who may be looking for new opportunities. 

Below are a few ways you can get involved with supporting Career Services and Professional Development at the Weitzman School.

We urge employers to post opportunities on Handshake, which is a database that connects Penn Students to jobs and internships, and is free and easy!  Positions can be posted for opportunities in the U.S. and international locations.

Register here for an employer account

After creating an account, choose to connect with the University of Pennsylvania as one of your schools of interest. As soon as you request access to Penn through the platform, please send Penn’s Handshake administrator, Natty Leach (nleach@upenn.edu) a quick email so that we can go in and quickly approve your account.  After your account is approved you will be able to post the job or internship in Handshake.

Given the situation with Covid-19, we have seen many employers posting virtual or remote internship opportunities and would encourage you to consider this option if it is a possibility for your organization.  We recommend including the word “remote” in the job title or job description so that it can be easily found via keyword search.

Here are some helpful links to connect with this useful tool: 

Short-Term Externships - Externships are designed to pair students with a mentor  or mentors who can offer hands-on design experience and skill building opportunities for a week long period in January, during spring break, or during a time that is convenient for both the student and firm. Learn more about Externships.

Firm Visits - We are actively seeking firms interested in hosting 10–15 Weitzman students for a brief tour and Q&A session, typically visits last 90 minutes.

Portfolio Reviews - Each January or February the Penn Weitzman Alumni Association (PWAA) hosts a portfolio review for all current students. We encourage alumni to volunteer as reviewers.

Panel Discussions - We are always looking for alumni to participate in professional development panel discussions focusing on a range of topics.

Design and Creative Career Fairs - In partnership with Penn Career Services, the Weitzman School organizes an annual career fair, for more information click here.

If you are a student, please visit the School's Professional Development and Career Resources page.

For questions or to discuss any of these opportunties, contact:

Kali Meeks, Director of Professional Development and Leadership, kmeeks@design.upenn.edu